Finite Element code in the Julia language focused on
fluid-dynamics applications, with possibility of including
a particle simulator. The 'eFEM' component allows the use of
Finite Elements discretizations to solve common problems in
fluid dynamics, and the 'part' refers to mesh-free particle
methods primarily aimed at granular-media simulations where
continuum constitutive laws are unavailable.
Generates fine-resolution porous objects in custom file format.
Python package for the analysis of electrophysiological data.
Small Codes
Julia function to convert data in the jld format into the hdf5 format. The
hdf5 format is more general and allows data to be used by other programs and
languages, e.g. Matlab.
Bash script to assist the latexdiff program. Particularly useful when going
through the revision processes for an academic journal.
Student Projects (no particular order)
App written in Python to visualize common organic chemistry reactions. 2020 - 2021 UROP project of Caroline Crowder.
App written in Python to visualize Zebra Finch brain regions important for the song production. 2020 - 2021 UROP project of Hanna Neustadter.
App written in Python to teach simple Network Topologies. 2020 - 2021 UROP project of Krystal Williams.
Last revised on 10 August 2020.